The Power of a Mentor

“A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead… But a Samaritan, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he had compassion… bandaged his wounds… took care of him.” Excerpts from Luke 10 

Restoration is hard work!!!

As the director of the Dream Center, I wanted to say thank you to not only our volunteers, but especially our mentors.



A mentor is a volunteer who commits to spend at least one hour a week with an intern of the Dream Center. During this hour or more, the mentor provides prayer support and guidance (both spiritual and practical) to the men and women looking for a second chance at life. These mentors are trained by Pastor David and Dr. Tricia King and are supported along the journey of mentoring. The Dream Center does not provide restoration without our mentors.

I would like to highlight a mentoring couple who said YES to mentoring. Alvin and Cosey Odom has served with the Dream Center for the past three years. Alvin and Cosey are people of prayer and grace. The have spent the last three years pouring into the men and women of the Dream Center and also providing prayer support for them. I am so thankful for their heart and commitment to interns such as Thomas Stokes, Dona Detamore and most recently Turnisha Saunders. All three of these interns, have been housed and restoration is realized because of the power of a mentor! This is the power of a mentor or should I say Samaritan…. who took the time to help someone who has been left for dead and through the compassion of Christ, brought restoration.